Examples of the four types of sites of
electrophilic reactivity
modeled. Predictions by the XenoSite reactivity model are indicated
on the left with a colored shading gradient and white circle for each
known site of reactivity. These predictions range from zero to one,
indicating the probability that an atom is reactive with each of the
four nucleophilic targets. From top to bottom, a cyanide conjugation
of a nefazodone metabolite,21 a DNA conjugation
of N-acetylbenzidine,22 a glutathione (GSH) conjugation of menadione,23 and a protein conjugation of a butylated hydroxytoluene
metabolite.24 DNA and protein are inherently
structurally diverse, and thus cartoonized macromolecules are depicted,
with the rest of each macromolecule represented by “Xx”.