Hypersensitivity is reduced by red light treatment at 7 days post-T10 hemicontusion spinal cord injury. a CSSs (see the “Methods” section) for all groups are separated by the hypersensitivity threshold (6.9; indicated by dotted green line) into normosensitive (CSS < hypersensitivity threshold) and hypersensitive (CSSs > hypersensitivity threshold) subpopulations. b RSSs in hypersensitive sham-treated (SCI, dark blue) and 670-nm-treated (SCI+670, dark red) spinal cord injured animals (location of injury indicated). RSSs are represented as the mean ± SEM (colour-coded according to the insert: mean + SEM, mean, and mean − SEM concentrically represented) for the six tested regions (left and right sides; “Above-Level”, “At-Level” and “Below-Level” relative to the injury). RSSs are overlayed on schematic representations of the rat dorsum, with C2, T1, L1 and S2 dermatomes, and the midline, indicated (grey). Individual RSSs and LSSs are compared between hypersensitive subpopulation of the two groups. c RSSs shown for normal uninjured rats (control, green), sham-injury + sham-treatment (shamSCI, light blue, data includes both normo- and hypersensitive subpopulations), and sham-injury + 670 nm treatment (shamSCI+670, light red). Pairwise statistical comparisons are indicated for RSSs and LSSs by respective group colours. Note: statistical comparisons of CSSs from shamSCI+670 group in (a) is to the normosensitive subpopulation of SCI (indicated in dark blue) and to control groups (indicated in green); Statistical comparisons of RSSs from control group in (c) is to SCI (indicated in dark blue) or to SCI+670 (indicated in dark red) in b. *p < 0.05 (Student’s t test); †
p < 0.05, ††
p < 0.01, †††
p < 0.001, ††††
p < 0.0001, (Wilcoxon rank-sum); ns, p > 0.05; n values indicated