Figure 4.
Real-time PCR screening of several genes families in mouse testis 3 d after cold shocks. As in Fig. 3, graphs show real-time PCR quantification of gene expression of ER stress marker: DNA-damage-inducible transcript 3 (Ddit3), activating transcription factor 4 (Atf4), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-α kinase 3 (Eif2ak3), σ nonopioid intracellular receptor 1 (Sigmar1); cell signaling markers: mechanistic target of rapamycin (serine/threonine kinase) (Mtor) and Sp1 transcription factor (Sp1); oxidation/anti-oxidation enzymes: Sod2 and -3, respectively, catalase, Gpx1, -2, and -3 respectively; cold/heat-shock induced genes: heat-shock protein -1A and 2A (Hspa1a and -2, respectively) and heat shock factor 2 (Hsf2). Statistical significance at P < 0.05 was confirmed with 1-way ANOVA and is shown above the tested column as the number of the CTL column it is paired to.