TRPM8 channels participate in the regulation of specific proteins expression
in a cold-dependent and cold-independent way. A) Immunoblot
analysis showing the variation of key protein expression in testis of 4 CTL
and 4 KOM8 mice 3 d after cold shock (scrotum temperatures were 29, 17, or
4°C). β-Actin and Prm2 were used as invariant reporters.
FKBP-rapamycin–associated protein was detected in its
nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated (Ser2448) forms.
B) Quantification of the protein levels and statistical
significance are reported in (B). Protein amount was
normalized with Prm2, which appeared much more stable than actin or GAPDH
(not shown). Values are presented as means ± sd for CTL
(n = 4) and KOM8 (n = 4) mice.
Statistical significance was assumed when P < 0.05
and is shown above the tested column as the number of the CTL column it is
paired to. C, D) Immunohistofluorescence
confirmed the decreased expression of HSPA2 (C, green) in
CTL germ cells subjected to hypothermia (C, right) compared
to CTL (left). CIRBP (red) expression appears stable in both conditions.
However, CIRBP was down-regulated in KOM8 testis (D, right)
when compared to CTL (D, left). Nuclei were counterstained
with DAPI. Scale bars, 20 µm. Statistical analysis was achieved with
1-way ANOVA.