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. 2016 Jul;76(7):771–778. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-109396

Table 3 Intergroup comparison of results. Comparison between the two federal states (only significant results shown).

Lower Saxony (max. n = 304) Thuringia (max. n = 156) p-value
Total number of questions answered correctly (mean of 64) 47.8 47.2 0.30
Knowledge of the risk factors for developing GDM
  • s/p stillbirth

81.1 % (n = 240) 67.5 % (n = 102) 0.001
  • tendency to recurrent miscarriage

68.5 % (n = 203) 51.0 % (n = 77) < 0.001
Knowledge of the risks and long-term consequences of GDM for the child
  • hyperbilirubinemia

77.4 % (n = 223) 65.7 % (n = 92) 0.01
  • surfactant production disorder

84.6 % (n = 241) 60.6 % (n = 86) < 0.001
  • false statement: hyperglycemia post partum

53.8 % (n = 155) 32.6 % (n = 47) < 0.001
  • increased risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 later on

95.3 % (n = 283) 100.0 % (n = 152) 0.003
  • counselling about the increased risk of cardiovascular disease

81.9 % (n = 240) 89.9 % (n = 134) 0.03