Fig 13. Cranial endocast of Brachydectes newberryi, KUVP 49541, rendered from μCT.
A-B, position of cranial endocast within complete skull, A, dorsal view; B, lateral view; C, endocast in dorsal view; D, endocast in right lateral view; E, endocast in left lateral view; F, endocast in ventral view; G, endocast in endocast in left posteroventral oblique view; H, left anteroventral oblique view. Scale equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: cbic, passage of the cerebral branch of the internal carotid artery; fme, passage of the foramen metopticum; hsc, horizontal semicircular canal; hyp, hypophyseal fossa; lag, fossa enclosing lagena; mcv, passage serving middle cerebral vein; n.I, passage of the olfactory nerve; n.II, passage of the optic nerve; n.V, passage of the trigeminal nerve; n.VI, passage of the facial nerve; n.XII, passage of the hypoglossal nerve; psc, posterior semicircular canal;; stym, fossa possibly accommodating scala tympani; ut, utricular fossa.