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. 2016 Jul 20;2016:51–59.

Table 1.

Description and structure of the six core FHIR-templates of the EHR4CR mediation model.

Template (nb. of data elements) Template scope Specialized template scope Data element Terminlogy binding Value set Nb. of concept s
Patient (n=4) A Patient is a uniquely identified person. Clinical statements attached to this Patient may be recorded within the source systems. administrativeGenderCode SCT gender types 4
Encounter(n=4) An Encounter occurrence correspond to a period of time a Patient continuously receives medical services from one or more providers at a care site in a given setting within the health care system. code SCT encounter types 6
Condition (n=2) Conditions state the presence of a clinical disease, sign or symptom, etc. nonDiseaseCondition:correspond to symptoms (observed by the patient) or signs (observed by a care provider). category SCT condition types 4
code Subset of SCT findings 16
diseaseCondition: are inferred from medical claims data, textual clinical document, collected via forms (e.g. from a problem list), etc. category SCT diagnostic types 25
code diseases(ICD10+subset of SCT diseases) 12500
clinicalObservation(n=2) A (numerical or categorical) Observation is a sign or a symptom or the result of any procedure which is either observed by a Provider or reported by the Patient. clinicalObservation:records of measurements performed by a clinician at bed side (including scores, grades, stages, etc.) name subset of SCT observable entities 26
value value sets specific to each categorical observable entity 95
vitalSignObservation:refer to blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate. name subset of SCT vital signs 5
laboratoryObservation: refer to laboratory tests. name subset of LOINC codes (Top 2000) 2000
value value sets specific to each categorical observable entity >500
anatomicPathologyO bservation: records of measurements performed by a pathologist analyzing tissues/cells with a microscope (including scores, grades, stages, etc). name subset of LOINC codes (Top 80) 80
value value sets specific to each categorical observable entity (e.g. ICD-O, TNM, etc) >500
Procedure(n=1) A Procedure occurrence correspond to the record of an activity or process ordered by, or carried out by, a healthcare provider on the patient with a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose. Procedures are inferred from medical claims include, computerized orders in EHRs, etc. code subset of SCT procedures 57
Medication Statement(n=2) A medication statement is inferred from clinical events associated with orders, prescriptions written, pharmacy dispensing, procedural administrations, and other patient-reported information. Medication includes medicines, vaccines, and large-molecule biologic therapies. administrationUnitCode
consumableCode ATC codes 6000