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. 2016 Jul 20;2016:199–208.

Table 1.

Dimensions of metadata quality for public health and epidemiological data as identified by the international stakeholder survey.

Dimensions of metadata quality Responses
N Percent CI
Accuracy (correctness of the metadata) 35 14.9% 10-20
Accessibility (extent to which the metadata can be accessed) 34 14.5% 10-20
Discoverability (how visible the metadata are - can it be easily found) 33 14.0% 10-19
Appropriateness (extent to which the metadata are relevant) 24 10.2% 7-15
Comprehensiveness (extent to which the metadata are complete) 24 10.2% 7-15
Interoperability (extent to which metadata can be exchanged and used without problems) 21 8.9% 6-13
Timeliness (is the metadata current, inclusion of temporal information) 20 8.5% 5-13
Versionability (extent to which a new version may be easily created) 18 7.7% 5-12
Extendibility (extent to which the metadata may be easily extended) 14 6.0% 3-10
Meta-metadata (metadata about the metadata) 10 4.3% 2-8
Other 2 0.9% 0-3
Total 235 100.0%