Exocytosis of lytic granules is not necessary for TCR-driven TEM of CD8 TEM. A. TEM assay of CD4 and CD8 TEM treated with concanamycin A (CMA) or vehicle (veh). Upper graphs show CD4, and lower CD8. Left graphs show % TEM of CR-driven TEM, and right graphs show % TEM of TCR-driven TEM. Data combined from three experiments with different donors. B. Graphs show %TEM of assays performed in the presence of serine protease inhibitor AEBSF. C. Quantification of granzyme A in cells responding to antigen after 2 min flow (attached) and after transmigration. Graphs show granzyme A content/cell measured from pictures taken of stained cells; exposure times were 800 and 50 milliseconds for CD4 and CD8, respectively, due to stronger staining of CD8. Data combined from three experiments with different donors. Horizontal and vertical bars within the dots represent mean +/− SEM, respectively. P=0.44 for CD8.