Precision in measuring the molecular MSD by correlation spectroscopy. (A) , as defined in Supporting Materials and Methods, is quantified for a defined range of molecular brightness (Nph, number of photons per molecule per frame) and molecular density (Nmol, number of molecules per PSF) values. In detail, the measured is plotted against Nph for the two selected brightness values of 0.1 and 10 molecules per PSF (open and solid dots, respectively). The red lines underline the dependence of on the square root of Nph. In the inset, a surface plot for all tested conditions is shown. (B) The same plot as in Fig. 1A shows the contribution of spatiotemporal fluctuation analysis to the calculation of as obtained from simulated experiments for three representative molecular brightness levels of 10, 100, and 1000 kPhs/s (dark blue to cyan solid lines).