Figure 2.
CSPs versus the logarithm of solvent-accessible surface areas for NH groups in ubiquitin, in 300 g/L solutions of all the studied solutes (unless indicated otherwise). CSPs computed from chemical shifts referenced to DSS (top) and from those referenced internally through the water resonance (bottom). All vertical axes span 0.17 ppm in DSS-referenced plots and 0.15 ppm in water-referenced plots, to facilitate comparison of the spread of values. In these plots, each dot corresponds to one ubiquitin residue for which NMR CSP data are available. All r values are Pearson correlation coefficients; they are significant at 0.01 and 0.05 levels when |r| > 0.2775 and 0.1983, respectively. In the top plot for arginine, the asterisk indicates the correlation coefficient when the point at the bottom right (2.98, 0.004) is excluded. Interactive versions of these plots with visible residue labels are available at