Binding of serum antibodies to human mesothelial cells indicates the presence of mesothelial cell autoantibodies (MCAAs) as determined by cell-based ELISA as previously described (Marchand et al., 2012). (A) Binding by MCCA +ive samples was significantly higher compared to the MCAA −ive samples, though no differences were seen in MCAA binding of individual serum samples compared pooled sera. Mean ±SE, n =at least 6, p =0.002. (B) Binding in pooled sera samples previously identified as MCAA +ive was significantly higher than pooled samples of MCAA −ive sera. MCAAs were not detected in normal human sera (NHS) obtained from subjects with no known asbestos exposure. Removal of IgG by Protein G precipitation (cleared serum) resulted in loss of MCAA binding compared to NHS, p =0.001. Mean ±SE, n =6, *p<0.001 by one-way ANOVA.