Zmp1 helped in the dissemination of M. marinum in Zebrafish model. (A) Representative images showing the presence of fluorescently labeled M. marinum (TdM. marinum; Red) in the tail region of the Zebrafish. One day post fertilization Zebrafish were injected with TdM. marinum either with buffer control (Untreated) or rZmp1 (25–100 nM) or heat-denatured rZmp1 (100 nM). The dissemination of TdM. marinum to the tail region was then observed under fluorescence microscope on 5th day post infection (refer materials and methods). (B) Bar graph representing the relative percentage of fish with TdM. marinum disseminated to tail region. (C) The box plot represents the percentage of dissemination of TdM. marinum to the tail region. All the experiments were performed more than three times. n represents the number of fish used per category. ∗represent statistical significance with p < 0.05.