Figure 6.
Dedifferentiation of the default and dorsal attention networks in older adults. (A) GSR + Scrubbing. (B) ANATICOR. Contrasting the full correlation matrix of all ROIs of the default and dorsal attention networks for young vs. older adults demonstrates reduced (cool colors) within-network RSFC of both the default and dorsal attention networks, and increased (warm colors) between-network RSFC in older adults. Significant age (young vs. older) × differentiation (within- vs. between-network RSFC) interactions were observed for RSFC when collapsed across both networks (top), for each network individually (left), and for the majority of individual ROIs of both networks (right). The MTL ROI (PHC; yellow outline) showed reduced RSFC with all other ROIs across both networks in older relative to young adults. ** significant crossover interaction; * significant interaction. The findings are consistent across preprocessing procedures. See Table 1 for F-statistics, p-values, node labels, and node coordinates.