Fig. 10.
ANGPTL4 regulates levels of EndoH-resistant LPL in adipose tissue, but not heart. A: Western blot of EndoH-treated BAT lysates from Angptl4−/− and wild-type mice exposed to cold (4°C) or thermoneutral temperature (28°C) for 10 days. The tissue samples were taken from an experiment described earlier (14). Western blots were probed with antibodies against LPL and HSP90 (as a loading control). B: Western blot on EndoH-treated heart lysates from Angptl4−/− and wild-type mice fed ad libitum or fasted overnight. Western blots were probed with antibodies against LPL and HSP90 (as a loading control). EndoH-resistant LPL (high-mannose oligosaccharides, ER LPL) is indicated with R, EndoH-sensitive LPL (complex oligosaccharides; Golgi and cell surface LPL) is indicated with S.