Figure 1.
Figure 1A: Foci of brain activity with significant convergence across all prosaccade experiments included in the meta-analysis (cluster-level p < .05, family-wise error-corrected for multiple comparisons; cluster-forming threshold p < .001 at voxel level).
Figure 1B: Foci of brain activity showing consistent stronger involvement for antisaccades versus prosaccades (cluster-level p < .05, family-wise error-corrected for multiple comparisons; cluster-forming threshold p < .001 at voxel level).
Figure 1C: Overlay (in yellow) of results for the meta-analyses across prosaccades (in red) and across antisaccades versus prosaccades (in green).
Figure 1D: Brain regions showing significantly stronger across-experiment convergence of prosaccade-related activity compared to antisaccade-specific convergence are shown in red. Brain regions showing significantly stronger across-experiment convergence of antisaccade-specific activity compared to prosaccade-specific convergence are shown in green.