Fig. 2.
Defect of PC synthesis modulates the PC production upon Cd stress. The wild-type, cho2∆, and opi3∆ cells were grown up to mid-log phase on YPD medium; with or without 50-μM cadmium. An equal number of cells were taken, and lipids were extracted and resolved by two-dimensional silica TLC. The pattern of major membrane phospholipids PC and PE, and also quantified intermediate form of PC, like PMME. a The level of PC and PE in Kennedy pathway mutants (cki1∆, cpt1∆, and pct1∆) and b methylation pathway mutants ( cho2∆ and opi3) phospholipid was quantified and presented as phosphorus (μg/2.5 × 106 cells). WT control cells were compared with other groups with a statistical significance of *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001