Impairment of PC synthesis leads storage lipid accumulation under Cd stress. The wild-type, cho2∆, and opi3 cells were grown up to the mid-log phase on YPD medium with or without 50-mM cadmium. An equal amount of cells were taken for lipid extraction. Lipids were resolved on silica TLC and quantified. a
TAG triacylglycerol, SE sterol esters. Samples were analyzed in triplicate and compared to the control. WT control cells were compared with other groups with a statistical significance of *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001. b The cells were stained with Nile red (1 μg/ml) and viewed under the fluorescent microscope. The bar in the figures indicates the scale of 5.0 μm