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. 2016 Aug 30;7:1306. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01306

Table 1.

Prevalence differences of lucid dreaming (LD) across studies.

Author Sample size Age Gender repartition Country and sample Methodology Prevalence LD
type (least at once)
Schredl et al., 2016 1375 26.5 ± 18.0 years 67.42% Women United Kingdom Question awareness 56.32%
Schredl et al., 2012 3579 12.0 ± 1.9 years 61.36% Girls United Kingdom Question awareness 43.5%
Alvarado and Zingrone, 2008 492 68% Women Spanish New age magazine lecturers Question awareness 89%
Schredl and Erlacher, 2004 444 23.5 ± 5.7 years 84% Women Unselected student sample Definition based on awareness and control 82%
Erlacher et al., 2008 153 19.1 ± 1.1 years 60.1% Women Japan students Definition based on awareness and control 47%
Schredl and Erlacher, 2011 919 48.1 ± 18.4 years 54% Women Germany representative sample Definition based on awareness and control 51%
Erlacher et al., 2012 840 21.59 years ± 6.33 57.5% Men German athletes Definition based on awareness and control 56.6%
Stumbrys et al., 2013 684 25.5 ± 9.7 years 59.35% Women German voluntaries Definition based on awareness and control 83.5%
Smith and Blagrove, 2015 84 33.80 ± 15 years 50% Women LD forum lecturer Definition based on awareness and control 72.6%
Fingerlin, 2013 214 17.2 ± 1.2 years 70.6% Women Swiss Junior college student Definition based on awareness and control + Question LD and questions control 50%
Mota-Rolim et al., 2013 3,427 Median = 25 years 50% Women Brazil voluntaries Definition based on awareness and control
+ Question Awareness and questions control
Voss et al., 2012 793 year range [6–19] 50% Women German student One-on-one Interview
Description based on awareness

Literature search: The purpose of this table is to illustrate how LD prevalence and methodology vary across studies focusing on LD prevalence evaluation. Titles and abstracts were searched in the electronic PubMED and PsycINFO databases and in google scholar search engine (limited to the 10 first pages) using the following search terms: lucid dream*/AND (frequency OR prevalence OR incidence). Only studies published after 2000 were examined.