Figure 3.
ROI Analysis of V T in Males versus Females. [11C] LY2795050 VT in male (M) versus female (F) subjects at the region of interest (ROI) level. Bars are the mean ± SD of [11C] LY2795050 VT for amygdala (Am), centrum semiovale (Cs), caudate (Caud), cerebellum (Cb), anterior cingulate cortex (Ac), posterior cingulate cortex (Pc), frontal cortex (Fr), hippocampus (Hipp), insula (Ins), occipital cortex (Occ), ventral pallidum (Pal), parietal cortex (Par), putamen (Put), temporal cortex (Temp), thalamus (Thal), precentral gyrus (PreCent), fusiform gyrus (Fus), and Rolandic operator (Rol). The model is not corrected for multiple comparisons. *p<0.05, ‡p<0.10 p-value corresponds to difference in V T between M and F subjects as determined by an unpaired t-test.