Tyr402 phosphorylation Pyk2 during embryonic development. Embryos at the 2- (A1,
A2, and A), 4- (B1, B2, and B), and 8-cell (C1, C2, and C) stage; morula (D1, D2,
and D); and blastula (E1, E2, and E) were collected and stained using specific
antibody against phosphorylated tyrosine402 Pyk2. Primary antibodies were detected
via FITC-labeled secondary antibodies. DNA was stained with PI. Laser scanning
confocal microscopy was used to locate Pyk2 (green) and DNA (red). Distribution of
mitochondria (green) was analyzed by laser scanning confocal microscopy (F2).
Scale bar, 25 μm. At least 30 embryos were scanned perstage and representative
images are shown.