Figure 3. Timing of cytoplasmic oxidation (HyPer) relative to mitochondrial membrane potential (TMRE) in dying hair cells exposed to aminoglycosides.
(A) Mean HyPer fluorescence in dying lateral line hair cells colabeled with TMRE and exposed to 400 μM neomycin. Data are aligned to TMREhalf-min, corresponding to dye redistribution from mitochondria into cytoplasm. (B) Mean cross-correlation values of HyPer relative to TMRE. An offset of t = 0 indicates that the events are inseparable. In this case, maximal cross-correlation value (R) was at 0 minutes (r = 0.401, P = 0.011), indicating that the initial onset of increased HyPer fluorescence coincides with the onset of increased TMRE fluorescence. Error bars = SEM; n = 39 cells from 1 to 3 neuromasts per animal and 5 animals.