Figure 1.
miR-34a-5p expression patterns at multiple time points and the correlation with clinical data. (A) miR-34a-5p was highly expressed from day 1 to day 3 in stroke patients (26 in the day 1 group, 31 in the day 2 group, and 45 in the day 3 group). * p<0.05, compare with 97 controls. (B) Subtypes of strokes in our study included 45 LA patients, 9 CE patients, 11 SA patients, and 37 UN patients. Dramatic overexpression of miR-34a-5p was observed in LA and SA strokes patients *, p<0.05, compared with controls (n=97). LA – large-artery atherosclerosis; CE – cardioembolism; SA – small artery stroke; UN – undetermined etiology. (C) miR-34a-5p levels have a negative correlation with NIHSS scores in the scatter plot. r=−0.692, p<0.05. NIHSS – National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. (D) miR-34a-5p levels were negatively associated with infarct volume of stroke patients. r=−0.719, p<0.05.