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. 2016 Sep;138(3):e20153036. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3036


Comparison of Mean Mullen T Scores

Variable Score N Mean (95% CI) P
 Gross motor Positive 32 36.0 (31.8–40.2) .002
Negative 50 43.2 (40.8–45.6)
 Visual reception Positive 40 34.5 (29.3–39.8) <.001
Negative 58 45.2 (42.1–48.2)
 Fine motor Positive 40 29.1 (25.0–33.3) <.001
Negative 58 42.0 (39.5–44.5)
 Expressive language Positive 40 24.6 (18.3–31.0) <.001
Negative 58 39.8 (36.4–43.2)
 Receptive language Positive 40 23.4 (17.3–29.5) <.001
Negative 58 38.4 (33.8–42.9)
 Gross motor Positive 30 36.4 (32.1–40.6) .005
Negative 51 43.0 (40.5–45.5)
 Visual reception Positive 38 35.2 (29.7–40.8) .002
Negative 59 44.6 (41.5–47.7)
 Fine motor Positive 38 30.6 (26.0–35.1) <.001
Negative 59 40.6 (37.9–43.3)
 Expressive language Positive 38 27.4 (21.0–33.7) .002
Negative 59 38.2 (34.4–42.0)
 Receptive language Positive 38 25.9 (19.2–32.7) .005
Negative 59 36.9 (32.4–41.4)
ASD diagnosis
 Gross motor Positive 32 35.2 (32.1–38.4) <.001
Negative 50 43.7 (40.9–46.5)
 Visual reception Positive 39 37.2 (32.5–41.9) .046
Negative 59 43.2 (39.5–47.0)
 Fine motor Positive 39 32.0 (28.9–35.2) .003
Negative 59 39.8 (36.3–43.3)
 Expressive language Positive 39 29.0 (23.5–34.5) .03
Negative 59 36.7 (32.1–41.3)
 Receptive language Positive 39 21.9 (16.4–27.4) <.001
Negative 59 39.1 (34.4–43.8)

Comparisons were made with 2-tailed t test. CI, confidence interval.