(A) Flow chart for stereocilia membrane enrichment. Bold red lettering highlights the principal steps of the procedure. (B) Imaging of M3 fraction of D10 beads; samples were labeled with phalloidin (magenta, for actin), DAPI (green, for nuclei), and anti-mouse IgG (white, for D10 antibody on beads). Aggregation of beads and binding of nuclei (and other contaminants) limits the enrichment gained with this step. (C) SDS-PAGE analysis of enrichment fractions; gel stained with silver. Note that fraction S7 was loaded in a second lane with 4x more material. (D) Immunoblot analysis of purification fractions. For actin (ACT), lanes 1–10 had 0.01 ear-equivalents loaded and lane 11 had 0.2 ears. For all other immunoblots, lanes 1–10 had 0.05 ear-equivalents loaded and lane 11 had 0.2 ears. Other than actin, all proteins are referred to by their official gene symbols.