A) Protein choice is energy state-dependent.
Canton S. females starved for longer periods of time (e.g., 24 hr vs. 70 hr) had stronger protein preference (Student’s t-test, **P≤0.01). (
B) Feeding bout PI plot using the same data set shown in
Figure 1B. There is no difference in preference when choice is given as 1% sucrose vs. 1% autolyzed yeast or 1% sucrose vs. 5% autolyzed yeast. (
C) When given a choice between isocaloric 1% autolyzed yeast vs 1% sucrose choice, 24 hr-starved
Canton S. female flies show modest positive correlation between total feeding time during the choice test and time spent consuming the sugar meal (F(1,32)=17.2, P<2.4E-4). Individual flies' first meal choice did not affect relationship between these correlates. (
D) Starved female flies preferred wide concentrations of autolyzed yeast. The choice was given to 24 hr starved
Canton S. female as 1% sucrose vs. 1% sucrose with different concentrations of autolyzed yeast. Bars indicate mean and standard error of mean (SEM). (N=6 per each concentration treatment; one-way ANOVA).