a) Pattern similarity difference between trial pairs sampling similar and dissimilar directions in the peak voxel of the main absolute directional coding analysis (
Figure 2) after exclusion of comparisons with trials using the same start (bar I) and the same target location (bar II). Both T
23 > 3.00, both p<0.007. (
b) We considered the distances between start and target locations in a trial pair by controlling for three distance measures, which differed between pairs of trials sampling similar and dissimilar directions. The distance measures are illustrated based on two example trials. For each trial pair, we calculated (I) the mean length of the vectors connecting start and target location, (II) the difference in length of the two vectors and (III) the mean length of the vectors connecting all four relevant locations of a pair. In separate GLMs we used the distance measures as predictors of pairwise pattern similarity. (
c) Mean pattern similarity difference in peak voxel of cluster from main absolute directional coding analysis (
Figure 2) between trial pairs sampling similar directions and pairs sampling dissimilar directions computed on the residuals of the GLMs. With this approach we controlled for pattern similarity due to (I) the average distance from start to target location in a trial pair, (II) the difference in distance from start to target location in a trial pair and (III) the average distance between all four buildings in a trial pair (see Materials and methods). All T
23 > 3.60, all p<0.001. Bars in
a and
c show mean pattern similarity difference with error bars reflecting S.E.M., dashed line shows mean pattern similarity difference in peak voxel from main analysis.