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. 2016 Aug 30;5(1):1441. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3118-0

Table 2.

Performance of broilers fed ration containing different levels of Garden cress seed powder

Parameters Treatments SEM p value
0GC 0.75GC 1.5GC 2.25GC
1–21 days (starter phase)
 IBW (g) 44.9 44.4 45.2 45.5 0.91 0.867
 DMI (g/bird/day) 46.7 46.5 49.3 48.6 1.01 0.205
 Total feed (g/bird) 980 976 1035 1021 21.1 0.205
 FBW (g) 494 512 500 486 10.0 0.356
 BWG (g/bird) 449 468 455 440 10.1 0.340
 ADG (g) 21.4 22.3 21.6 21.0 0.48 0.340
 FCR 2.18b 2.08c 2.28a 2.32a 0.02 0.000
 Mortality (%) 0.00 5.88 5.88 0.00
22–42 days (finisher phase)
 DMI (g/bird/day) 125c 130b 134ab 135a 1.28 0.001
 Total feed (g/bird) 2623c 2730b 2812ab 2842a 26.9 0.001
 IBW(g) 494 512 500 486 10.0 0.356
 BWG (g/bird) 1078bc 1146a 1134ab 1066c 17.6 0.028
 ADG (g) 51.3bc 54.6a 54.0ab 50.8c 0.84 0.028
 FCR 2.44b 2.38b 2.48b 2.67a 0.05 0.024
 Mortality (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1–42 days (entire experiment)
 DMI (g/bird) 85.8c 88.3bc 91.6ab 92.0a 1.08 0.010
 Total feed (g/bird) 3604c 3707bc 3847ab 3863a 45.2 0.010
 FBW (g) 1572b 1658a 1634a 1551b 16.9 0.006
 BWG (g/bird) 1527b 1614a 1589a 1506b 16.7 0.005
 ADG (g) 36.4b 38.4a 37.8a 35.9b 0.40 0.005
 FCR 2.36b 2.30b 2.42b 2.57a 0.04 0.006
 Mortality (%) 0.00 5.88 5.88 0.00

SEM standard error of the mean, ADG average daily gain, BWG body weight gain, IBW initial body weight, FBW final body weight, FCR feed conversion ratio, DMI dry matter intake, GC garden cress, 0GC ration containing 0 % GC, 0.75GC 0.75 % GC; 1.5GC 1.5 % GC, 2.25GC 2.25 % GC

abcMeans in a row with different superscripts differ (p < 0.05)