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. 2016 Aug 30;5(1):1441. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3118-0

Table 6.

Production efficiency and profitability of broiler ration containing different levels of garden cress

Description Treatments
0GC 0.75GC 1.5GC 2.25GC SEM p value
Production efficiency
 Starter PEF 108ab 115a 103b 99.7b 3.13 0.041
 Starter EBI 98.1ab 105a 93.2b 90.4b 2.97 0.041
 Finisher EBI 211ab 229a 218a 190b 7.74 0.040
 Entire period PEF 159b 172a 161ab 144c 3.85 0.006
 Entire period EBI 154ab 164a 153ab 139b 4.36 0.027
Profitability/partial budget
Cost (Birr)
 Day old chick cost (Birr) 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
 Total feed consumed/bird (kg) 3.60 3.71 3.85 3.86
 Per unit feed cost (Birr) 6.93 7.12 7.30 7.48
 Total feed cost (birr/bird) 25.1 26.4 28.1 28.9
 Total cost (Birr) 44.9 46.4 48.1 48.9
 Average carcass weight (kg) 1.11 1.18 1.10 1.06
 Price/kg of carcass (supermarket) 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
 Total return (Birr) 88.8 94.4 88.0 84.8
 Net return/bird (birr) 43.9 48.0 39.9 35.9
 Marginal rate of return 0.98 1.03 0.83 0.74

GC garden cress, OGC ration containing 0 % GC, 0.75GC 0.75 % GC, 1.5GC 1.5 % GC, 2.25GC 2.25 % GC, EBI European broiler index, PEF production efficiency factor

abcMeans in a row with different superscripts differ (p < 0.05); 1 Birr = 0.05US$