Suppression of ezrin expression and its pharmacological inhibition by NSC305787 causes decreased mRNA levels of nEGFR target genes in EGFR wt NSCLC cells. (A) mRNA expression levels of indicated genes were analyzed by quantitative PCR in ezrin-depleted A549 cells. CT values were normalized to 18S rRNA, and fold differences were calculated using the comparative CT method. (B) NSC305787 treatment did not decrease mRNA levels of nEGFR target genes in EGFR-null H520 cells, whereas AURKA and COX-2 levels were decreased in wt EGFR H292 cells. (C) Ezrin and EGFR protein expression levels were determined by immunoblotting after transfection of A549, H292, and H520 cells with siRNA oligos targeting ezrin. (D) Proliferation of A549, H292, and H520 cells after transfection with siRNA oligos targeting ezrin was determined by MTT assay. Ezrin knockdown significantly decreased proliferation of wt EGFR-expressing cells, A549 and H292, and did not affect EGFR-null cells, H520. (*P < .01, unpaired t test with Welch’s correction).