Neuroligin deletion does not alter AMPAR-mediated synaptic responses at parallel fiber synapses in stellate cells. A, B, Sample traces and summary data of sEPSCs recorded from stellate cells from control mice (black traces) and PV-NL123 (red traces) littermates. C, D, Sample traces and summary data of average sEPSCs with different holding potentials recorded from stellate cells from control mice (black traces) and PV-Cre NL123 littermate mice (red traces) at P21–P23. E, F, Sample traces and summary data of EPSC PPRs recorded with different interstimulus intervals from control cells (black traces) and PV-Cre NL123 stellate cells (red traces) at P21–P23. Stimulation artifacts are removed for cosmetic purposes. Data are means ± SEM. Numbers in bars represent the number of cells/mice used. Statistical significance was determined using Student's t test (pairwise comparison), Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (cumulative distributions), or one-way ANOVA.