Figure 2.
Legend. Classical HLA alleles were imputed in each disease using SNP data. Each point in each plot represents a classical HLA allele. Axes represent the odds ratio of association for each allele in the designated disease. Protective alleles have odds ratios less than 1 (lower values on each axis) and risk alleles have odds ratios greater than 1 (high values on each axis). (A) HLA risk alleles for EBV-positive HL tend to be neutral for EBV-negative HL, while HLA risk alleles for EBV-negative HL are neutral to protective for EBV-positive HL. Some HLA alleles are protective for both diseases. (B) HLA risk alleles for EBV-positive HL are neutral or protective for MS, and HLA risk alleles for MS are neutral or protective for EBV-positive HL. There are a large number of HLA alleles which are protective for both MS and EBV-positive HL. (C) There is an overlap between HLA risk alleles for MS and EBV-negative HL, and overlap between protective alleles for MS and EBV-negative HL.