Fig. 5.
Effects of age, overload, and resveratrol on CD, C/F, and LogrSD. a CD was unaffected by age, however increased by overload (P < 0.01). Resveratrol blunted the overload-induced increase in CD, but only in the glycolytic region of the muscle (resveratrol × overload, P < 0.05). b C/F was increased by overload (P < 0.01), but unaffected by age or resveratrol. Both CD and C/F were higher in the oxidative region of the m. plantaris compared to the glycolytic region. c LogrSD for adult, old and old-res control (black) and overloaded (white) muscle in the oxidative and glycolytic muscle regions. LogrSD was higher in the glycolytic than in the oxidative region of the m. plantaris muscle (g P < 0.01), but not affected by age. Overload reduced LogrSD (*P < 0.01), while resveratrol did not affect the LogrSD (P > 0.05). Values are mean ± SEM. Black bars control situation; white bars overload situation