Figure 4. Focused analysis of the circadian activity of C. islandica during the polar night.
(A) Diagrams of the group and individual circadian valve behavioural activity during the 3 polar nights studied (see S11 for a detailed timetable). Each polar night was sub-divided into 5 studied periods that corresponded to different twilight periods of increasing and decreasing levels of light irradiance: the civil twilight periods (CV1, CV2; the nautical twilight periods (NA1, NA2); and the astronomical twilight periods (AS) (see SI4). NS: indicates a non-significant period in the studied season. At the individual level, the percentage of rhythmic individuals in the circadian range (20–28 h) are shown for each twilight period (CV1, CV2, AS, NA1, NA2) and for each polar night studied. (B) Percentage of scallops with valve behaviour in the circadian range according to the different twilight periods. The mean percentage represents an average for the 3 polar nights studied.