Set of pulse locations for a population of
subjects |
Set of pulse locations for subject
Parameters defining the
population intensity function
Set of cluster centers common to all
subjects |
Expected number of pulses in cluster
Variance of the pulse locations in cluster
Rate of non-clustered pulse locations/hour |
Parameters defining the
subject-level intensity function
Expected number of pulses in cluster
for subject
Rate of non-clustered pulse locations for
subject ;
Hormone concentration model notation for subject
Observed hormone concentration at time
Pulsatile secretion
Pulse mass and width for pulse
Pulse location for pulse
Number of pulses to time
Mean pulse mass and width, respectively |
Variance–covariance matrix for the pulse
mass and width |
Half-life |
Number of knots in b-spline |
Set of knot locations |
Set of b-spline coefficients |
Model error |
Model error for log hormone concentration at
Model error variance |