Figure 3.
Fos-LI in the nTS of bottle-stimulated animals is most similar to Fos-LI in the nTS of water-restricted, constantly stimulated animals. Unstimulated animals (Deprived Unstim) had few c-Fos positive cells in the nTS as compared with all other groups. Fos-LI is not different between Nondeprived Constant, constantly stimulated (Nondeprived Constant), deprived intermittently stimulated (Deprived Intermit) or intermittently stimulated twice as long (Deprived Intermit 2X) animals, but Fos-LI in all 3 groups is less than deprived, constantly stimulated (Deprived Constant) and bottle stimulated (Bottle) animals. Deprived Unstim < (Nondeprived Constant = Deprived Intermit = Deprived Intermit 2X) < (Deprived Constant = Bottle). Fos-LI is comparable between Deprived Constant and Bottle groups. a, Deprived Unstim significantly less than all other groups; b, Bottle and Deprived Constant groups significantly greater than all other groups; c, Nondeprived Constant, Deprived Intermit, and Deprived Intermit 2X groups significantly greater than Deprived Unstim, but significantly less than Bottle and Deprived Constant groups. All Ps < 0.05.