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. 2016 Feb 23;19(8):pyw020. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyw020

Table 1.

The Germ-Free Behavioral Profile

Parameter Phenotype Strain and Sex Test Reversible? Reference
Anxiety-like behavior Decreased anxiety-like behavior Swiss Webster (m) OF Arentsen et al., 2015
No change in anxiety-like behavior Swiss Webster (m)
BALB/c (m)
SD Bercik et al., 2011a
Decreased anxiety-like behavior Swiss Webster (m) LDB Yes Clarke et al., 2013
Increased anxiety like behavior F344 rat (m) OF Crumeyrolle-Arias et al., 2014
Altered anxiety-like behavior C57BL/6N (m & f) LD: decreased anxiety
SD: increased anxiety
De Palma et al., 2015
No change in anxiety-like behavior Swiss Webster (f) LDB Gareau et al., 2011
Decreased anxiety-like behavior NMRI (m) OF, LDB, EPM Yes: EPM
Heijtz et al., 2011
Decreased anxiety-like behavior Swiss Webster (f) EPM Neufeld et al., 2011
Learning & memory No change in olfactory memory Swiss Webster (m) STFP Desbonnet et al., 2014
Impaired short-term recognition and working memory Swiss Webster (f) NOR, TM Gareau et al., 2011
Locomotor behavior Increased locomotor and rearing behaviors NMRI (m) OF Yes Heijtz et al., 2011
No change in locomotor activity Swiss Webster (f) Neufeld et al., 2011
Self-grooming Increased self-grooming time Swiss Webster (m) Desbonnet et al., 2014
Social cognition No preference for novel vs familiar mouse Swiss Webster (m>f) TCS Yes Desbonnet et al., 2014
Social preference Increased social interaction with conspecific Swiss Webster (m) TCS Arentsen et al., 2015
Social avoidance of conspecific Swiss Webster (m>f) TCS No Desbonnet et al., 2014

Abbreviations: EPM, elevated plus maze; f, female; LDB, light-dark box; m, male; m>f, phenotype expressed more strongly in males than females; NOR, novel object recognition test; OF, open field test; SD, step-down test; STFP, social transmission of food preference test; TM, T-maze; TCS, 3-chambered sociability test.

Summary of the behavioral profile of GF mice. Experiments which are reversible or irreversible with bacterial colonization are indicated with ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ respectively.