Fig. 4.
Immunophenotypic characterization of lamina propria IL-4- and IL-10-producing cells. a Percentage of F4/80+MHCII+Ly6C+ cells. b Percentage of F4/80+MHCII+Ly6C− cells. c Percentage of F4/80+MHCII+Ly6C−IL-4+ cells. d Percentage of F4/80+MHCII+Ly6C−IL-10+ cells. e Percentage of F4/80+MHCII+Ly6C−CD206+CD124+IL-10+ cells. f Percentage of CD4+Foxp3+IL-10+ cells. N, negative control; P, positive control; FV, mice that received L. lactis MG1363 FnBPA+ (pValac::dts) intragastrically; and FI, mice that received L. lactis MG1363 FnBPA+ (pValac::dts::IL-4) intragastrically. Data are shown as mean ± SD (n = 10). p value: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001