Meiotic Recombination Frequency Is Slightly Reduced in mmd1.
(A) Images of early diakinesis were used to estimate the positions of chiasmata in Ler and mmd1. Chromosomes were stained by DAPI (white), and red signals represent centromere signals revealed by FISH. The yellow arrows show chiasmata sites on the chromosomes, showing 10 and 7 chiasmata sites in the wild type and mmd1, respectively.
(B) Immunolocalization of MLH1, a type I CO mark, in Ler and mmd1 diakinesis bivalents. Red dots represent the MLH1 signals, and green arrows mark the type I CO positions. Ler has 9 to 10 MLH1 signals, while mmd1 only has 6 to 7 signals.
(C) Observed Poisson distribution of chiasmata in the wild type and mmd1. OD represents observed distribution and PD represents predicted Poisson distribution.
(D) Statistics of chiasmata and number of COs at diplotene and diakinesis in the wild type and mmd1. Data are represented as mean ± sd.
Bar = 10 μm. **P < 0.01, two-tailed Student’s t test.