Axial MR images obtained in a 58-year old man with PKD2 mutation show multiple pancreatic cysts, with the largest in the tail of the pancreas, measuring 25 mm (black arrow). Most of the cysts demonstrate connection to the main pancreatic duct (arrowhead). Note numerous cysts in the right kidney and a large hemorrhagic cyst in the left kidney (white arrows). Endoscopic US–guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed, and the result was benign. The size and the number of cysts increased in the 3 years after the biopsy. (a) Initially, there were up to 20 cysts, and the largest cyst size was 25 mm. (b) After interval biopsy and 3 years, there were at least 31 cysts, and the largest cyst size was 35 mm.