Relative quantification of IFN-γ (A), iNOS (B), IL-12 (C), TNF-α (D), IL-10 (E), TGF-β (F) and IL-4 (G) with RPLP0 as endogenous control. Noni group treated at and Glucantime group treated at a week-1, both during 60 days. Data represent mean ± SD of two experiments realized in triplicate. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 when compared with control group or between group brackets by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-test. RQ: relative quantification; RPLP0: ribosomal protein large P0; La+Noni: group infected and treated with Noni; La+Glucantime: group infected and treated with Glucantime; La: group infected and mock-treated; Noni: group mock-infected and treated with Noni; Normal: mock-infected and mock-treated group.