Fig 5. Oral toxicity of strains of Pseudomonas spp. to D. melanogaster.
(A). The mortality of D. melanogaster was assessed 12 d after larvae were fed with yeast grains inoculated with ca. 7 log (CFU/plate). For each treatment, the percent mortality was calculated from counts of the number of adults per larvae in each replicate corrected for average larval to adult mortality in the control using the Schneider-Orelli formula. The white circle in each box shows the mean value from two or three experiments. The number of experiments evaluated for each strain is shown in parentheses. Boxes are bound at the top by the third quartile and at the bottom by the first quartile, with the whiskers representing the minimum and maximum values. An asterisk (*) denotes treatments that differed significantly from the control in all experiments and the double-cross symbol (╫) denotes treatments that differed significantly from the control in one experiment (P<0.05, d.f. = 2, χ2 test) (see S4 Table for data from individual experiments). The horizontal line indicates zero mortality. Colors denote the subgroup of the strain tested for insect toxicity: pink, P. chlororaphis; blue, P. corrugata; purple, P. koreensis; green, P. fluorescens. (B) The internal population size of each strain was estimated from surface-sterilized larvae at 24 h, 48 h, and 120 h. The population size of Pf0-1 was assessed only at 24 and 48 h. Bacterial population sizes were log transformed and the means of three replicate larvae are shown as triangular symbols. Error bars denoting standard errors are sometimes obscured by the symbols.