A, E, F, Dorsal views of E12.5 embryos visualized live for GFP (A) or processed for Tbx20 ISH (E, F). GFP expression in r3 and r5 in a Krox20Cre; ROSA26mT/mG embryo (A) labels the expression domain of Cre used for the r3/r5-specific knockout of Celsr1 function (r3/r5-cKO). B-D, 30-μm coronal sections of an E10.5 wild type hindbrain processed for anti-GFP (green) and anti-Isl1 (red) immunostaining to mark Cre expression (GFP), and FBM neurons (arrow), respectively. The light red background signal (asterisk) is due to mTomato expression in all tissues of the ROSA26mT/mG mouse where Cre is not active. In r3 (B) and r5 (D), Cre activity is ubiquitous, including in floor plate cells. In r4 (C), Cre is inactive except for a few cells along the pial surface, which was seen in all sections (5/5 embryos). E, F, In control embryos (Krox20Cre; Celsr1fl/+ or Krox20Cre; Celsr1KO/+, 18/18 embryos), Tbx20 labels trigeminal BM neurons (nV) in r2 and r3, and FBM neurons (nVII) migrating caudally from r4 to r6 (E). A small but significant number of FBM neurons migrate rostrally into r2 in several r3/r5-cKO embryos (F, white arrowheads) (Krox20Cre; Celsr1KO/fl or Krox20Cre; Celsr1fl/fl, 3/12 embryos).