Figure 6. F-actin bending does not underlie telescopic contractility.
(a) Agent-based simulation of F-actin (red) with mean and persistence length (lp) are 7.1 μm and 20 μm, respectively, and myosin motors (green) during contraction at 200 s. The width of the image is 40 μm, and the radius of the activation area is 6 μm. Myosin has lower off-rate within the activation area than outside the activation area. (b) Strain over time for three different persistence lengths, lp=20 μm, 320 μm and 2.6 mm. (c) Strain rate and (d) velocity as a function of the diameter of the activation region in actomyosin networks with different lp. See Supplementary Table 2 for a list of model parameters.