Maximal amplitude of fluo 8 fluorescence in WT and mdx cardiomyocytes maintained in stretching condition incubated with TRPs inhibitors. Cells were incubated with TRPs blockers: antibody against an extracellular epitope of TRPV2 (Anti-TRPV2 : dark gray bars), 100 µM tranilast (horizontal hatching) and YM-48483, inhibitor of TRPCs channels in stretched WT and mdx cardiomyocytes. Open bars represent the control. Measurements are represented as mean normalized fluo-8 fluorescence intensity±SEM. Control (WT: n=10 cells, N=4 hearts; mdx: n=12 cells, N=5 hearts). Anti-TRPV2 (WT: n=6 cells, N=4 hearts; mdx: n=6 cells, N=4 hearts). Trn (WT: n=6 cells, N=3 hearts; mdx: n=7 cells, N=4 hearts). YM-48483 (WT: n=8 cells, N=4 hearts; mdx: n=9 cells, N=4 hearts). * Symbol represents the statistical difference with control *P<0.01; **P<0.005; ***P<0.001; and ns, no significant.