Figure 3. Reduced corpus callosum volume is associated with disrupted inter-hemispheric homotopic functional connectivity in AD and aMCI patients.
(A) CC2 sub-region volume showed a significantly positive correlation with the VMHC in IOG and SMA in patients with aMCI and AD. (B) CC3 sub-region volume showed a significantly positive correlation with the VMHC in PoCG and CUN in aMCI and AD. (C) CC4 sub-region volume showed a significantly positive correlation with the VMHC in MTG in aMCI and AD. (D) CC5 sub-region volume showed a significantly positive correlation with the VMHC in CAL, MTG and MFG in aMCI and AD. (E) CC total volume showed a significantly positive correlation with the VMHC in MTG, MFG and CUN in aMCI and AD. All results were reported at a height threshold of p < 0.01 and cluster threshold of p < 0.05 with GRF correction. (GRF corrected, individual p < 0.01, cluster p < 0.05). The right column presents the scatterplots of CC volume and corresponding mean VMHC across all patients with aMCI and AD (p < 0.001 after multiple comparison correction). CC2, mid-anterior CC; CC3, Central CC; CC4, mid-posterior CC; CC5, Posterior CC. Abbreviations: Ctrl, Control; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; aMCI, amnestic mild cognitive impairment; AAL, Anatomical Automatic Labeling; MNI, Montréal Neurological Institute; MCC, Middle cingulate cortex; MTG, Middle temporal gyurs; SOG, Superior occipital gyrus; SMA, Supplement motor area; IOG, Inferior occipital gyrus; SPG, Superior parietal gyrus; CUN, Cuneus; CAL, Calcarine; STG, superior temporal gyrus.