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. 2011 Oct 31;1(1):25–41. doi: 10.3390/microarrays1010025

Table 2.

ITS rRNA probes with signal intensities above the threshold. The signal intensities in the two experiments (Myk1 and Myk2, cf. GEO GSE28018) are given for each probe. The fourth column indicates the taxonomic group actually targeted by the probe, as revealed by a BLAST search. The number of sequences among the perfect matches, deposited under matching (matches), contradicting (outliers), or lower level (ambiguities) taxonomic names is noted in parentheses. The ordinal affiliation of the target group is given in the last column.

Probe ID Signal intensity (Myk1) Signal intensity (Myk2) Target group(matches/outliers/ambiguities) Order
* Two probe sequences targeting species of Eurotiales clustered among the Sordariomycetes-specific sequences, one matching Paecilomyces carneus, the other Paecilomyces lilacinus (Eurotiales) and Nalanthamala vermoesenii (Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes). As several of the anamorphic Paecilomyces spp. were shown to correspond to Hypocrealean teleomorphs [16], these two Paecilomyces spp. likely represent Hypocrealean anamorphs as well.
ITS_01_50002900 107.7 156.4 Cladosporium (199/1/300)
ITS_01_50005177 92.2 160.3 Cladosporium (200/1/299)
ITS_01_50001997 90.6 90.7 Cenococcum (89/0/255) Dothideomycetes inc. sed.
ITS_01_50002490 140.7 221.3 Myxotrichaceae (8/2/6)
ITS_01_50005012 86.8 112.9 Aspergillus (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50005015 52.1 92.1 Aspergillus (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50006139 49.2 78.1 Aspergillus (72/0/27)
ITS_01_50005104 185.6 248.2 Aspergillus (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50005004 104.2 174.0 Paecilomyces carneus (7/2/4) *
ITS_01_50005051 66.9 126.2 Penicillium (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50005142 74.8 106.9 Penicillium (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50005035 88.1 127.0 Nalanthamala vermoesenii (59/13/3) * Eurotiales/Hypocreales
ITS_01_50005171 98.1 161.2 Cordycipitaceae (116/0/5)
ITS_01_50005106 87.7 152.6 Cordycipitaceae/Ophiocordycipitaceae (167/2/23)
ITS_01_50002531 98.5 130.5 Fusarium (324/13/163)
ITS_01_50002532 100.5 149.8 Fusarium (321/4/50)
ITS_01_50005175 99.0 162.1 Fusarium (324/13/163)
ITS_01_50005053 108.7 189.5 Fusarium (277/6/122)
ITS_01_50005105 87.3 131.0 Isaria / Paecilomyces (40/2/1)
ITS_01_50005159 95.8 162.3 Isaria cateniannulata (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50005158 106.7 166.4 Isaria cateniannulata/Evlachovaea (26/2/3)
ITS_01_50002492 102.7 175.2 Isaria (17/4/0)
ITS_01_50005170 97.8 181.4 Isaria (17/4/0)
ITS_01_50005041 81.5 111.5 Nalanthamala psidii (9/5/0)
ITS_01_50005176 95.1 139.8 Torrubiella luteorostrata (3/2/0)
ITS_01_50005161 90.8 160.3 Torrubiella luteorostrata (3/0/0)
ITS_01_50005153 81.0 158.6 Leptosphaeria (11/6/40)
ITS_01_50001996 66.1 97.3 Pleosporaceae (259/2/239)
ITS_01_50006165 108.5 147.2 Pleosporaceae (260/4/236)
ITS_01_50001499 75.7 120.6 Pleosporales (302/7/191)
ITS_01_50006164 78.5 121.9 Pleosporales (286/10/179)
ITS_01_50006166 79.0 108.2 Pleosporales (306/8/186)
ITS_01_50001886 106.3 179.1 Chaetomiaceae/Lasiosphaeriaceae (69/1/121)
ITS_01_50005102 98.9 158.6 Chaetomiaceae/Lasiosphaeriaceae (69/2/120)
ITS_01_50003051 67.5 141.6 Arthrinium (96/6/16) Sordariomycetes inc. sed.
ITS_01_50003052 66.0 147.5 Pestalotiopsis (88/4/7)
ITS_01_50005179 60.2 103.8 Pestalotiopsis (89/3/7)
ITS_01_50000693 529.3 516.2 Amanita constricta (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50000694 497.0 600.8 Amanita constricta (2/0/2)
ITS_01_50000692 479.4 576.5 Amanita liquii (2/0/0)
ITS_01_50000709 92.5 176.3 Amanita virosa (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50002501 60.9 84.7 Hygrocybe (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50002530 83.5 88.0 Lactarius (9/1/2)
ITS_01_50001012 90.0 88.7 Russula (3/0/0)
ITS_01_50000049 69.7 64.0 Russulaceae (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50001973 83.2 83.1 Russulaceae (1/0/0)
ITS_01_50001863 67.8 116.9 Mycota (9/0/0)
ITS_01_50006167 73.7 111.7 Mycota (1/0/2)