Percent degradation of C10 to C50 hydrocarbons after 6 weeks of microcosm incubation following the addition of crude oil and monoammonium phosphate. Bars represent standard errors. Different letters over columns indicate significant differences between treatments based on a Tukey HSD post hoc test following one-way ANOVA. The sterile (noninoculated) controls were rerun after the initial experiment, as the original controls experienced contamination. The incubation conditions were the same, and the C10 to C50 loss was compared to that of paired baseline samples that were frozen at the outset of this incubation. For treatments, n = 10, and for sterile controls, n = 3. INIT, sterile soil reinoculated with the initial soil; REG-M, sterile soil reinoculated with bacteria cultured on regular media; CO-M, sterile soil reinoculated with bacteria cultured on media containing crude oil.