acmB orthologs were found in various S-layer-forming strains of Lactobacillus, including L. amylovorus GRL1112, L. helveticus H10, L. kefiranofaciens ZW3, L. crispatus ST1, L. melliventris, L. amylolyticus DSM 11664, and L. gigeriorum DSM 23908. The genetic region surrounding acmB was highly syntenic in all species examined. Arrows represent genes, while the colors represent specific genes, as follows: red, acmB; purple, amidase; green, Na+/H+ ion transporter; blue, oxidoreductase; orange, GMP synthetase; teal, conserved hypothetical protein (HP); pink, gpmA; dark gray, pyrrolidine carboxypeptidase; and yellow, conserved HP. Genes in white are divergent genes unique to each species where indicated. Ψ indicates a truncated pseudogene.