Longitudinal Mediation Models
Note. In the mediation model, paths were also included from Positive Action (Condition) to the intercept of the mediator and the intercept of the outcome. The variance of the quadratic for the mediator (i.e., social-emotional and character development) was set at zero, and the intercepts of the errors of the mediator and the outcome were correlated. In addition, the time measure was set from −4.00 to 1.58, with the intercept (time 0) set at wave 6 (i.e., the start of grade 7). Notation Note: “Condition” represents the Positive Action program; Ri, Rs, and Rq represent the variances in intercept, slope, and quadratic growth factors, respectively; a, b, and c′ represent the path coefficients where the a path represents the direct effect of the independent variable on the mediator, the b path represents the direct effect of the mediator on the dependent variable, and the c′ path represents the direct effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable with the mediator included.